Having Fun!!!

Short story competition –  A class

Τι πιο όμορφο και δημιουργικό από το να γράφεις μικρές ιστοριούλες για έναν διαγωνισμό; Τα τμήματα Α1, Α2 και Α4 που κάνανε αυτή τη δράση χωρίστηκαν σε ομάδες των τριών -τεσσάρων ατόμων. Ο σκοπός ήταν να συνεργαστούνε, αφήνοντας τη φαντασία τους να δουλέψει, έτσι ώστε να γράψουν μια μικρή φανταστική (ή μη) ξεχωριστή ιστορία που συνέβη στο παρελθόν. Η ουσία ήταν να χρησιμοποιηθούν οι παρελθοντικοί χρόνοι simplepast/ pastcontinuous, να δουλέψουν τα παιδιά ομαδικά και να γράψουν κάτι πολύ συναρπαστικό στα αγγλικά- άλλωστε η καλύτερη ιστορία πήρε βραβείο, μετά από ψηφοφορία όλων των παιδιών της τάξης!

Ιrregular verb competitionA class

Πριν από το Πάσχα τα παιδιά όλης της Α τάξης είχαν αρχίσει να μαθαίνουν τα ανώμαλα ρήματα, ανά δεκαπέντε κάθε φορά και να τα εξετάζονται γραπτά. Το βαρετό όμως αυτό κομμάτι της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας ακολουθούσε ένας διαγωνισμός! Με την ολοκλήρωση όλων των ρημάτων, όσοι θέλανε από κάθε τάξη μπορούσαν να σηκωθούν στον πίνακα. Εκεί έπρεπε να γράψουν τους χρόνους από δυο ανώμαλα ρήματα που επέλεγε η καθηγήτρια. Με ένα μόνο λάθος ο μαθητής έχανε και δεν περνούσε στα playoffs! Στον τελικό, φτάσανε οι τρεις καλύτεροι γνώστες των ανωμάλων ρημάτων στα αγγλικά, οι οποίοι φυσικά καταχειροκροτούνταν από όλη την τάξη! Πείτε μου τώρα, είναι να μην διαβάζει κανείς τα ανώμαλα ρήματα;

Project: Mysteries around the world- B class

Τα παιδιά της Β τάξης έπρεπε να χωριστούν σε ομάδες δυο-τεσσάρων ατόμων (ή να δουλέψουν ατομικά) και να βρουν πληροφορίες για ένα μυστήριο στον κόσμο! Είχαν να εξηγήσουν στα αγγλικά ποιο είναι το μυστήριο αυτό, που συνέβη και πότε και μετά να παρουσιάσουν τις υπάρχουσες θεωρίες. Στο τέλος υπήρχε η δική τους προσωπική εξήγηση για το μυστήριο αυτό και φυσικά με βιβλιογραφία! Μυστήρια όπως το Τέρας του LochΝess, οι Πυραμίδες, το Τρίγωνο των Βερμούδων, το Stonehenge , η Ατλαντίδα,  η Area 51, ακόμη κι οι Μαύρες Τρύπες παρουσιάστηκαν σε Powerpoint ή Word. Ακολούθησαν ερωτήσεις από το κοινό- τα παιδιά της κάθε τάξης και συζήτηση. Κανονικές επίσημες παρουσιάσεις για μικρούς επιστήμονες με κοφτερό μυαλό, όλα στα αγγλικά!

Story completion competition –  B class

Tα τμήματα Β1, Β2 και Β3 επιλέχθηκαν για να δουλέψουν με έναν δημιουργικό και συνάμα πρωτότυπο τρόπο. Τα παιδιά χωρίστηκαν σε τέσσερις κάθετες στήλες, όπως κάθονταν.  Στον πίνακα έγραψα τέσσερις διαφορετικές αρχές από μια ιστορία. Τα τέσσερα πρώτα παιδιά από την κάθε στήλη έπρεπε να γράψουν  δυο-τρεις προτάσεις, συμπληρώνοντας τις αρχικές προτάσεις του πίνακα. Ακολουθούσαν οι πίσω τους, μετά οι πιο πίσω και ούτε καθεξής. Στο τέλος, είχαμε να διαβάσουμε τέσσερις ιστορίες με ευτράπελα, αστείες κι απίθανες καταστάσεις, αφού ο κάθε ένας από τους πολλούς συγγραφείς έδινε κι άλλη τροπή στην κάθε ιστορία! Η καλύτερη ιστορία ψηφιζόταν  από τα παιδιά. Σίγουρα όμως, το βραβείο δεν ήταν τίποτα μπροστά στα γέλια, τη σπαζοκεφαλιά και τη χαρά των μικρών μας συγγραφέων!

Project: Different countries around the world- C class

Τα παιδιά της Γ τάξης είχαν να χωριστούν σε ομάδες δυο-τεσσάρων ατόμων και να βρουν πληροφορίες για μία χώρα. Έπρεπε να κάνουν παρουσίαση σε Powerpointή Word για τον πολιτισμό αυτής της χώρας, μιλώντας για τα ήθη και τα έθιμά της, το φαγητό, τη μουσική, την ιστορία, την ενδυμασία, τα σπορ, κα. Ακούστηκαν παραδοσιακές μουσικές από την Ινδονησία και την Ταϊλάνδη, μας άνοιξε η όρεξη με τα μεξικάνικα και ρουμάνικα φαγητά, θαυμάσαμε τη φινέτσα των Γάλλων και απορήσαμε με τα έθιμα των Ιαπώνων και με τα κοινά που έχουμε με τη Δανέζικη κουλτούρα! Ακολούθησαν ερωτήσεις από το κοινό και συζήτηση. Ένας εναλλακτικός τρόπος για να μάθουν τα παιδιά ψάχνοντας και να εκτεθούν σε μια πληθώρα από διαφορετικές κουλτούρες ακούγοντας, μιλώντας και σκεπτόμενοι μόνο στα αγγλικά!


Now, you can sit back on your sofa, grab an ice-tea (or a hot chocolate, depending on the weather) and travel to the magical world of our aspiring A and B  class writers!


Co-Ordinator: Melina Kalaϊtzidou (ΠΕ06)  


The old man

Yesterday, I went to my friend’s house to watch a horror movie. Suddenly, we heard a scary sound like screaming from the basement. My friend Mike went down to the basement to check.

After some minutes, my friend didn’t show up. I was worrying about my friend Mike and I went to the basement to see if everything was OK. When I was going down to the basement, I saw blood. I turned my head to the left and I saw Mike with blood on his chest. Then I called the police and in ten minutes the police had shown up.

When the police came, they told us that they would check the cameras from the stores next to us. When we saw the security cameras, we saw an old man holding a sharp knife with blood on it. The police told us that the man went inside the car, disappeared and never showed again.

This mystery has never been discussed again…

Kaϊmaktsis Stefanos

Ladias Vasilis

Theodoridis George



I will be back

We had just moved in our new house. It was a beautiful two-floor mansion with a big garden and a lot of colorful flowers. I was so excited to explore it that when my parents left for dinner, I stayed back because I wanted to know the truth about it. All of our neighbours had been telling me that something was going on in this house.

While I was exploring the kitchen, I heard a loud noise upstairs. I was curious so I went up the wooden stairs to my parents’ room. I had looked everywhere so I decided to leave but suddenly I tripped on a blanket and fell on the bookcase. Then I grabbed a book so I wouldn’t fall, and the bookcase suddenly opened. When I saw what was inside, I couldn’ t believe my eyes. It was a skeleton of a little girl holding a note in her hand. The note said ‘I will be back’. In no time the door closed and for the first time I was afraid. I tried searching for a key but after a while, I realized there wasn’ t a keyhole. I suddenly felt dizzy and fainted.

After some minutes my parents arrived. They thought I was in bed, so they also went to sleep. In her sleep my mom had a very weird dream about me. She saw me screaming in the library for help. Then she woke up and told my dad all about it. My dad didn’ t really care about me, so he said it was nothing but when he left for work, my mom started searching for me in the house. She couldn’ t find me, so she decided to rest for a while by reading a book. She searched for a book she hadn’ t read yet. When she found one, she grabbed it but suddenly the bookcase opened revealing the hidden library. Then she saw me lying on the floor. I hugged her with tears falling down my cheeks. The only thing that we didn’t know was that the ghost had left the hidden library with us.

From that day on weird things started happening. The most usual one was the lights switching on and off or sometimes the fireplace lighting up on its own. Once we told my father about all the things that had happened before, but he didn’t believe us until one day he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and saw the ghost behind him. The other day we left the house rushing.

From that day on the ghost has been haunting all the owners of the house until they leave.

 Mitrakou Elena

Pappa Elina

Paschali Petrina

Pistofidou Anna



The abandoned hospital

Οnce upon a time, there was a group of friends that wanted to explore an abandoned hospital. They met at a café and started walking to the scary hospital. Two of them were older and also the leaders.

While John and Jenny were walking, they came across an old creepy lady. She started talking to them and asked them where they were going. ‘To the abandoned hospital’, the kids replied. ‘You shouldn’t go there, it’s very dangerous’, the old lady said. ‘It’s OK, we will be careful’, the kids answered. They said goodbye to the old lady and started walking again.

A few minutes later, they arrived and they saw a heavy rusty metal door. They couldn’t open it so they started searching for another way to get in. After a while, they found a broken window and they got inside. It was very dark so the only people that had a flashlight opened the door. They started exploring and after a while, one of the flashlights went out. The kids were very scared and one of them said that they should go back home. None of the other kids agreed so they stayed there. They found an old lab that had old medicine and some weird liquids in it. Suddenly, the one and only flashlight stopped working. The kids started screaming. Then the flashlight turned back on. They realized that two of the six kids were missing. The flashlight went out again. Everyone was screaming by now. John said ‘Jenny, we should leave’. No one replied. John realized that Jenny and another kid were missing. They started running to go out when someone grabbed both of them.

After that day, none of the kids returned home. Maybe they should have listened to the old lady. Now they say that whoever goes in this hospital never comes out.

Suddenly, I woke up and realized it was all adream.

Halkia Aigli

Miliatsi Victoria

Papakonstantinou Evie

Passalis Giannis



Grabbing in the dark

This was not an ordinary day. Everything seemed so different.After I woke up, I looked outside the window and I saw snow despite the fact that it was June! I was very happy and I wanted to go out to see the snow and play with it. Then I saw that no one was outside. I was really surprised and then I was a little bit scared. However, I started playing with the snow. I made a lot of snowmen!

Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from behind the trees and the plants. I went to check if everything was fine. While I was trying to have a better look, a hand grabbed my arm. I started screaming and my mom came out of the house. The thing that had grabbed my arm started biting me. However, my mom couldn’t see that. It was dark outside, the creature that had grabbed my arm must have been black or dark brown and camouflaged in the dark. When I turned on the flashlight, I saw nothing except a huge scary squirrel! Yes, it was so big that it couldn’t fit in my palm. So dramatic! Then I turned to my mom. She wasn’t there! I was terrified and for roughly an hour I had been searching for her. Suddenly, I heard a noise. A huge hand reached and grabbed the whole town. I realized then that I was inside a snowball.

You heard it! Wake up! She shouted, ‘Wake up!’ I opened my eyes and realized it was all a dream but somehow, I had a scratch on my hand I didn’t have the night before….


Chrysochoϊdou  Konstantina

Sideropoulou  Katerina

Siona Dimitra

Tsikakis  Jason

Tzivanopoulou  Magda



The accident

He couldn’t believe what he had done! Had he accidentally killed her?  He didn’t know if she was alive or not. He was coming back home from his work when suddenly a woman jumped in front of his car and he hit her. He quickly got out of his car and went to help herbut he didn’t know what to do. He panicked. The woman had passed out and there was blood everywhere.

He called an ambulance and waited there. When the ambulance came, he explained everything to the Paramedics and they took her to the hospital. He was feeling bad about what he had done so he followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital.

He waited for two hours to find outwhether she was alive when suddenly the doctor came to him and said that she would be alright but unfortunately,they had to cut off her leg. He walked into the room to see her and after a long talk she admitted that was wrong to runacross the road like that.

The man now has a story to tell his family.

The end


Beglis Vasilis

Kambouridis Nikos

Nikopoulou Katerina

Pisiota Margarita

Poϊrazis Polymeros



A crazy choice

You will never believe what happened yesterday! I was in my room reading my book when I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. I went downstairs to see what that sound was. When I went there, somebody called my name. I was scared because nobody was in the kitchen.

I was going to my room when the lights went out. Then I heard someone whispering in my ear ‘I will kill you!’ I was so scared that I couldn’t run. I went to the corner of my room and started praying. After a few minutes the lights turned back on, and I saw my baby brother dead on the floor; blood was everywhere. I tried getting out, but the door suddenly closed. I tried to open it, but it was locked up. I was on the first floor, so I had an idea. I jumped out of the window, but I wasn’t careful and fell on my mother’s head. I stood up but she still stayed on the floor.

I panicked, I knew I had to do something. I was in so much panic that I immediately called an ambulance. When they finally came, they took my mum and in a hurry they rushed to the hospital. I couldn’t even imagine how I would feel if my mom died because of my crazy idea.

When my mom got out of the hospital, the police told us that they found the criminal that had broken into our house and killed my baby brother…

Anagnostou Panagiota

Arabatzis  Asterios

Ardaggelou  Stavros

Athanasiadis Giannis

Damianou  Eutychia


                                                   Καλαϊτζίδου Μελίνα ΠΕ06 

To be continued…